so, where does your bow come from?

10 thoughts on “so, where does your bow come from?”

    1. Thanks! I shoot in my backyard occasionally, and when the phone rings I’ve managed to leave my tab in all sorts of stupid places round the house…

  1. You dont need to take your tab, you just rotate half lap to the other side of your hand and do whatever you need to do and never lose the tab.

  2. Very interesting idea for an article. Keep up the good work. There are way to many blogs out there about archery that just go on about, “How I shot this or how this arrow did this.” Its refreshing to see something a little outside the box.

    1. Thanks very much indeed. As for the ‘something a bit different’ angle, that was indeed the idea. Glad somebody has noticed!

  3. Extremely intriguing thought for an article. Keep up the exceptional work. There are a long distance about arrow based weaponry that simply ramble about, “How I shot this or how this shaft did this.” Its reviving to see something a little from a fresh perspective.

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